The Wesak Experience at The Healing House
Groups gather all around the world to connect with each other and the energies that support a world wide healing flow for the Earth and all whose life-Force she supports … all humans, all creatures, all beings … the air, the soil and the water.
It is a time of wonderful blessings and connection called Wesak.
Enhanced Energetic Connection
Wesak is a wonderful opportunity for healing, to expand your consciousness and to connect with a world-wide celebration for expansion of peace.
It is a world-wide celebration of spiritual enlivenment, connection, well-being and enhancement each year.
Wesak occurs each year at the Full Moon in May.
The Full Moon one month beforehand in April, sets the energy for the Wesak Connection in May and the Full Moon in June completes the cycle.
In the Christian calendar the dates of Easter is determined by the phases of the Moon. Wesak is also determined by the phases of the Moon. Wesak is of great significance is important to those who have a connection to Buddha. The fact that these two occur so close to each other brings a lovely energy and synergy to the celebration of peace that this time offers us.
At the Wesak Full Moon both Buddha and Christ and other beings who oversee Mother Earth, and all her inhabitants, align their energies and, some say, actually appear in a sacred valley in Tibet. It is, at this time that they offer blessings to all who tune into this event, all over the world.
For the millions of people who attune to the energies at this time, it is a powerful opportunity for healing and inner connection… and the overriding combined energies offer peace for Mother Earth and all whose life-force she supports.
All those who consciously connect with the energy of Wesak are supported in their healing quest. Our conscious connection can bring experiences of awareness, understandings, healing and expansion of consciousness.
It is a fabulous opportunity for setting goals for spiritual, emotional, mental and physical evolution and awareness.
Conscious connection and conscious action towards these goals allows us the opportunity to take optimum advantage of the energy offered at Wesak.
This is one of the many reasons that I consciously connect with Wesak each year and have done so since 1995.
At the Wesak Full Moon energy that you will support you to
accomplish your goals is offered to you.
Some goals may take will take years to accomplish and progressive installments of energy will be offered through Meditation and specifically at subsequent Wesak celebrations.
Connecting with a group of like-minded people enhances the energetic opportunity of Wesak. The grace heart-felt connection liberally flows at that gathering. It is a sacred celebration for those who would like to enhance the essence of their spirituality. Wesak creates a wonderful opportunity for change for yourself on the Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual dimensions of your life.
The portal of energy is open for a couple of days or so either side of the actual full moon. Wesak celebrations are held around the world any time during that particular week. We will embrace a guided meditation and energetically connect with the energetic opportunity offered for us.
We have found that gathering for these three phases of Wesak enhances our appreciation of ourselves as individuals and creates great connections and friendships with each other.
With this opportunity we offer focused healing to Mother Earth and all whose life-force she supports.
At each Gathering we take time for time for reflection and guided meditation. We also connect with and offer healing for Mother Earth and all whose life-force she supports. We have lots of laughs, inner vision, personal healing and self reflection.
How will Wesak unfold at The Healing House in 2021?
The Three Gatherings will be
Saturday the 30th of May
Zoom Gathering
10:30am – 12:30pm
(Aligning with the Full Moon on the 12th)
Saturday the29th of May
Gathering at The Healing House
10:30am – 3pm
$95- ( $80- Concession)
(Aligning with the Full Moon on the 12th)
Saturday the 26th of June
Zoom Gathering
10:30am – 12:30pm
(The Full Moon on the 10th)
Want To Know More?
You are more than welcome to email Gill with the
Contact Form
or give her a call on
0407 561 607
Wesak can have a huge impact on your life
and open you to your unique potential and possibility
Join us for the 2021 wonderful Wesak Experience.