The energy of the Full Moon has no direct relationship with Reiki – but for the fact that it is a powerful energy flow
I am often asked about the significance of a Full Moon and why is there so much attention paid to it each time it comes around.
Here is some information that I have gathered that you may find interesting…
What is a Full Moon?
A Full Moon occurs at the mid-point of the 29 day lunar cycle.
During a Full Moon, the Moon is sitting opposite the Sun and is fully illuminated as it reflects the light of the Sun.
At this time with the Moon & Sun on opposite sides of Earth there is a flow and harmonizing experience of the two balancing energies.
What does this mean for us?
The Moon & the Sun emanate energetic frequencies and these energy waves influence the water of the Earth. One of the key factors for life to be sustained upon Mother Earth is the element of water.
We know that…
*The cycles of the moon influence tides of the ocean.
*Water cycles and flows through all ecosystems.
*Organisms all over the Earth need water to survive, water flows through all living things.
With this understanding, just as the tides ebb and flow under the influence of the Lunar Cycle of the Moon, so are all life forms on Earth influenced by the Lunar Cycle as well … including us humans.
What is the significance of this connection to Water?
The human body comprises of about 70% water, and as a result the Full Moon influences on the flow of water within us.
Since the beginning of time those who offer healing and health care workers have identified that we are influenced by the cycle of the moon – particularly when it is the time of the Full Moon.
For those who offer Reiki Healing, we recognize the importance of experiences of seeing, feeling or sensing water unfolding within a healing opportunity. It represents healing for the emotional dimension of our consciousness.
What do the Moon and Sun represent?
There are philosophies, understandings, ‘dream-time stories’ and ‘learnings’ that have been passed from generation to generations for thousands of years
…and there are many similarities with these wisdom that is taught in communities all over our planet.
Here are some …
The SUN represents our ‘outer-world’ and is often referred to as “Grand Father Sun”
It relates to our identify, our personality, our ego. It represents how we ‘shine our light’ out into the world, the present moment, masculine archetype expression.
The Sun offers us strength, courage and illuminated insight of the Soul.
The MOON represents our ‘inner world’ and is often referred to as “Grand Mother Moon”
It relates to our hidden emotions and inner most desires. The Moon is seen by some to represent our shadow-self as well as our fears and worries.
The Moon is said to relate to our dreams.
It represents our feelings, our unconscious beliefs, our connection to the past. It aligns with our feminine goddess archetype. The Moon offers us the ability to feel, learn from the past and creatively unlock and express our essence.
Yin and Yang
At a Full Moon, the energy of the Sun flows at its full potential to the Earth and the full potential energy of the Moon also flows to the Earth at its full potential. This flow is potent for about three days before and three days after a Full Moon.
This can make for a challenging or intense energy interactions that create a very potent energy flow as the Lunar & Solar energies create a Yin and Yang natural harmonic balance.
Our bodies and all our energy fields naturally seek to be in alignment with the harmonizing energies that are flowing our way from the Sun and Moon.
This creates the opportunity for us to release that which “no longer serves us” as we align with and rejuvenate from, the energy flowing our way.
…. and this is where Reiki comes into play ….
There are benefits in consciously connecting with the energy of the Full Moon. The Full Moon offers realignment as a result of the balancing energies that it represents and offers. After learning Reiki we can offer ourselves Healing to support and harmonize the experience that we have had. This offers harmony to our energetic selves after the releases that may have unfolded and/or consolidate the energies of the Full Moon.