We are living in a time of energetic change and wonderful opportunities to feel a sense of hope
We all have choice around change. Having choice can bring us hope.
We can choose to connect with change with love or with fear. I have found that there are always two ways at looking at situations that are before us in our lives. We can look at our situation from a perspective of gloom and pain or from a perspective of challenge, hope and opportunity.
I am observing that more and more of us are looking at what we would like to see happen in our lives and in our world rather than what we don’t want to see.
This attitude is creating an opportunity for attraction of that which we choose to have in our lives and with that a sense of inner calm and peace and optimism.
We are realizing that continuous fear and pain and anger and anguish don’t serve us. We are realizing that if we approach life from that perspective well, that is what we attract into our world.
I am observing that more and more of us are willing to live life with more and more respect for ourselves, our World and each other.
Sure there are many who don’t “get it” but if I were to focus on them I wouldn’t be noticing and celebrating those who are “getting it!”
We are changing our appreciation of food and its value, influence and impact on our life. Our appreciation of the Earth is changing. What was once considered as radical scuttlebutt is now high on the conservative social agenda.
Those who were once skeptical are standing up to listen. Natural Therapies like Reiki were once shunned and considered to have no or little value.
Our eyes are opening
Now more and more people are opening their eyes to the great benefit of changing our approach to health and well-being. There is more interest in Natural Therapies, Organic Food and Conservation. more are aware of the benefits they can bring to each individual and the wider community as a whole.
A few years ago I saw a television program that was highlighting the journey of a surgeon who was diagnosed with a cancerous, life threatening tumour on his brain.
The irony of his story is that when he was diagnosed he was a highly regarded surgeon supporting and operating on patients with cancer at a major hospital in NSW.
Watching his story fascinated me. There he was going through a journey that he had witnessed so many times before. And one of his comments in particular fascinated and inspired me and gave me hope.
He was talking to one of his fellow doctors who was asking for feedback of his journey as a patient.
One of his comments that I heard that made my heart sing. He said that he believed it would serve the hospital to be more open minded to the positive influence of alternative therapies. He suggested they could offer support to patients during their treatment.
More open minded to the positive influence of alternative therapies
There was a gift for many through this surgeon’s very challenging and horrific situation. The hospital staff listened to him and now they may be more willing to open the door of alternative health to support for patients of the hospital.
The love and respect that the hospital staff felt for this man created an opportunity for change. These changes will ultimately support many who are unwell. They will also support those who support them as they experience their disease and recovery.
Life can be a journey of wonder, mystery and delight if we are willing to see it that way.
It is so much more fun and easier than seeing the world as a place of pain and disharmony.
May you be willing to enliven your spirit. Allow your spirit to dance with delight at the possibility and adventure that each day may bring. ‘Cause then it just might!
With love, light and many blessings