Reiki healing has unlimited health benefits.
Many people learn Reiki and connect with the wonder and flow of the Healing Energy.
We feel an initial enthusiasm for the health, wonder, gifts and energetic changes that Reiki brings into their lives.
Unfortunately, many of us then kinda get used to the energetic changes that have unfolded within us and forget to consciously connect with Reiki Healing Energy.
One of the greatest gifts we can offer ourselves is a regular connection with Reiki and the health and healing benefits it offers.
In 1995 I found my way to a Reiki Workshop and brought Reiki into my life.
Fortunately I made the conscious decision to consciously maintain my connection to the healing energy.
As well as offering Reiki to others both personally and professionally, I ensure that I regularly offer myself and receive Reiki Healing.
I can’t imagine how my life would be had I not consciously maintained my connection to Reiki.
Reiki offers me relaxation, stress and pain relief, connection, clarity and so much more.
I regularly offer Reiki to my pets.
Reiki Healing supports our body’s innate ability to heal.
Reiki healing gently balances the complex flow of life energies within, and surrounding us. It creates harmony within our Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual self.
This reminds our energetic self of our harmonious way of being.
I have not only felt it myself, but I have also observed that regular connection with Reiki Healing energy bring improvement within general health, harmony and well-being.
Reiki is a gentle, subtle healing energy. The Reiki practitioner gently offers hands-on healing supporting the flow of universal life-force healing energy. It is subtle, calming and yet very empowering. Reiki brings harmony to our Body, Mind, Spirit, Heart and Soul.
It can cause no harm. Reiki healing is a pure energy form.
Potential health benefits of receiving Reiki.
When the flow of the “Life Force Energy” is disrupted, weakened or blocked then emotional, physical and/or mental health problems can occur… and there can also be a general weakening of a connection to our personal spirituality.
Imbalances can come from many situations occurring in our lives, such as: emotional or physical trauma, injury, unconstructive thoughts and self-talk. Fear, worry, doubt, anger, anxiety, toxicity, nutritional depletion, unhealthy lifestyle and relationships and a disconnection from a conscious connection with emotions also create imbalances in our state of being and impact on our sense of personal well-being. There are many other individual responses to challenges in life.
Reiki can bring wonderful results.
Some of the Reiki Healing Health Benefits:
- Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension,
- Enhances the body’s self-healing abilities,
- Aids sleep,
- Relief from pain, acute (injuries) and chronic problems
- Brings balanced energy flow of the endocrine system and all energy systems
- Supports the body to heal from the side effects of drugs and surgery
- Harmonises the immune system
- Increases vitality and postpones the aging process,
- Raises the vibrational frequency of the body,
- Enlivens spiritual growth and emotional clearing
With Reiki we become more relaxed and calm.
Our natural ability to heal
has the opportunity to
restore, replenish and rejuvenate.
Over time, with a connection to Reiki has shown to support the restoration of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being.
Reiki harmonizes the energy flow within, through and around us.
It flows to the areas of greatest need within our personal energy fields and consciousness.
This supports our body to heal.
Why have regular Reiki Healing?
When we are in good health, regular Reiki healing has shown to support and our innate ability to heal and enhance our approach to life. This often manifests as increased confidence and harmony in dealing with everyday events, living with a more optimistic approach to life.
Reiki Healing Energy supports recovery from illness. Reiki supports any treatment we may receive from medical interventions offered by both Western and Eastern Medicine.
as well as standing alone as a healing modality, Reiki is truly a complementary care. It complements and enhances the health care the patient receives in the hospital or from other health care providers.
Every living being can benefit from Reiki.
Having learnt Reiki, it is there for us at any moment, any time, any where for on-the-spot stress release, harmonizing and calming. we can offer it to ourselves, to others, to our pets and even to plants.
Please feel free to call me to discuss how your
Reiki healing journey with The Healing House may benefit you
Personal Appointments are available in Geelong
and all
Reiki Workshops are taught in Geelong.
The Healing House offers many opportunities for you
to consciously connect with your healing journey and choices in
healthy and optimistic ways.
Hope to see you soon ..
Sending you love light and many blessings,
Gill xxxx